equiping Disciples

Living the Salty Life

Go therefore and make disciples…

Salt and Light to a World in Need

The phrase “salt and light” comes from a teaching by Jesus in the Bible, specifically in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5, verses 13-16. In this passage, Jesus tells his followers:

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Being Salt

The metaphor of “salt” refers to the preserving and flavoring qualities of salt. In Jesus’ time, salt was a valuable commodity, and it was used to preserve food and add flavor to it. By calling his followers “the salt of the earth,” Jesus is saying that they are to be a preserving and flavoring influence in the world, making it a better place.

Being Light

The metaphor of “light” refers to the illuminating and guiding qualities of light. In Jesus’ time, light was necessary for people to see and navigate in the darkness. By calling his followers “the light of the world,” Jesus is saying that they are to be an illuminating and guiding influence in the world, helping people to see the truth and find their way.

Overall, being "Salt and Light" means being a positive influence in the world, preserving and enhancing what is good, and illuminating the truth and guiding others toward it.

disciples of the way
What We Believe

We believe that it is the calling of all believers that we should be constantly growing and aiding those around us to grow in Christ.  We believe that this is a natural outpouring of God’s Love as it has been freely and abundantly lavished upon us.

As we seek to live our lives in accordance with the Scriptures, we believe that Christ has shown us a clear path to follow, one that is built upon a foundation of core disciplines that are essential for our growth as individuals and as a community of believers. These disciplines, which are at the very heart of our faith, include the practices of Prayer, Study, Fasting, Worship, Fellowship, Service, Evangelism, Stewardship, and Leadership. Through these practices, we strive to deepen our relationship with God and to become more Christ-like in our daily lives. Whether we are worshiping together or serving our neighbors, we understand that these disciplines are not only vital to our own spiritual growth, but also to the health and vitality like-minded men as a whole. So let us embrace these core disciplines with joy and enthusiasm, knowing that they hold the keys to a life of faith, purpose, and eternal significance.

As individuals committed to living a life that reflects our faith, we strive to embody the essence of the “Salty Life” in all that we do. Through our ongoing pursuit of knowledge and understanding of God’s word, we are constantly expanding our spiritual horizons and deepening our relationship with God. By following the teachings of Jesus Christ, we are guided by a steadfast moral compass that directs us towards acts of kindness, compassion, and service to others. Ultimately, our goal is to share the light of our faith with those around us, to inspire, uplift, and encourage others on their own spiritual journeys. Whether through simple acts of kindness, or deep, meaningful conversations, we seek to spread the message of hope and love that lies at the heart of the Salty Life, inviting others to join us on this transformative path towards greater spiritual fulfillment and purpose.

Our men’s ministry is dedicated to empowering men on their journey towards a deeper understanding of the Bible and Christian faith principles. We offer a dynamic and comprehensive approach that combines in-person and online resources to cater to diverse needs. Through our engaging online courseware and thought-provoking Bible study materials, we provide men with the tools and knowledge they need to grow spiritually and live out their faith in practical ways. Our approach is both encouraging and challenging, encouraging men to explore new depths in their understanding while challenging them to apply these principles to their daily lives. Whether joining us in person or accessing our resources online, men can expect to be equipped and inspired to pursue a more meaningful and impactful relationship with God.

As a Christ-centered organization, our primary mission is to fulfill the great commission that Jesus called us to. We believe that part of this mission involves equipping other organizations with the necessary tools to teach their own men how to fish. In pursuit of this end, we offer a wide range of specialized courses, seminars and one-on-one training sessions specifically tailored to train the trainers of disciples on how to go out and make other disciples.

All of our programs are designed to help the trainers of disciples gain the knowledge, skills, and experience that they need to effectively teach others about the gospel message and how to follow Christ. We recognize that this can be a challenging task that requires a unique skill set, and we are committed to providing the support and resources necessary to help our trainees succeed.

So if you are looking to expand your ministry and help others grow in their faith, we invite you to join us and become part of our community of disciple-makers today!

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